How to Build a Dashboard

Adding a Report

In order to create a TRACtion dashboard, you first must create a report. For help on building your first report, refer to our help guide on report creation.

A TRACtion dashboard containing two bar charts and a pie chart

A TRACtion Dashboard with three charts

Adding to the Dashboard From a Report

While reviewing a report that has been saved previously, click the dashboard icon in the top right of the report window.

Highlighting the dashboard button in the top right corner of the report window

The dashboard icon above is circled in green.

If you have created dashboards previously, they will be listed here. Otherwise you will need to click the "Create New Dashboard" button to setup a dashboard.

Adding the Report to a New Dashboard

A list of the current available dashboards along with the ability to create one from scratch

The image above shows three dashboards that the report can be assigned to

To create a dashboard from scratch, click "Create New Dashboard". This will load a screen where you can customize the following on the dashboard:

  • The Name of the Dashboard
  • How Many Charts to Display in a Row
  • Whether or Not the Dashboard is Shared with your Company
  • Which Reports are Included
  • Which Project KPIs are Included
Dashboard Creation Menu

Above, the new dashboard has been named "My Customized Dashboard" and is set to display 1 chart per row for a given report.

When adding reports, you may either update their setting of how to display them in the dashboard from the dropdown:

  • Report with Chart
  • Report Only
  • Chart Only

or drag the reports above the active/inactive line.

KPIs can be dragged as well or if you click the checkbox next to their name they will be included on the dashboard.

Both Reports and KPIs can be reorganized by dragging and dropping their names in the desired order.

When finished, click either "Create Dashboard" button.

Adding the Report to an Existing Dashboard

Click on the dropdown for the dashboard you wish to add the report to and select how you would like the report to be displayed:

  • Report with Chart
  • Report Only
  • Chart Only
The report  is being chosen to display on the "Demo Dashboard"

In the example above, the report is being added to "Demo Dashboard"

Once selected, the report will now be associated with the dashboard of your choice

The "Demo Dashboard" is set to display both the report as well as its charts

In the example above, the report has been added to "Demo Dashboard"

Adding to the Dashboard Directly

From the Report Dashboards screen, if you have made or have access to any dashboards they will display here. You can create new dashboards or edit existing ones.

List of TRACtion dashboards

Creating a New Dashboard

To create a dashboard from scratch, click "Create New Dashboard". This will load a screen where you can customize the following on the dashboard:

  • The Name of the Dashboard
  • How Many Charts to Display in a Row
  • Whether or Not the Dashboard is Shared with your Company
  • Which Reports are Included
  • Which Project KPIs are Included
Creating a New Dashboard

Creating a new Dashboard

Dashboards can include both reports and KPIs. When adding reports, you may either update their setting of how to display them in the dashboard from the dropdown:

  • Report with Chart
  • Report Only
  • Chart Only

or drag the reports above the active/inactive line. KPIs can be dragged as well or if you click the checkbox next to their name they will be included on the dashboard.

Both Reports and KPIs can be reorganized by dragging and dropping their names in the desired order.

When finished, click either "Create Dashboard" button.

Editing an Existing Dashboard

To edit an existing dashboard, click the pencil icon next to the dashboard you wish to make changes. This will open the screen where changes can be made.

Highlighting the "Edit Dashboard" button

The "Edit Dashboard" Icon

When you are ready to save your changes, click "Update Dashboard".

Settings for an existing dashboard

In the above example, the dashboard contains two reports, two KPIs and is configured to display three charts per line

Pinning a Dashboard

To pin a dashboard, click the pushpin icon. This will set the dashboard as your default dashboard. Pinning a dashboard will load the dashboard automatically if you choose to set the dashboard as your TRACtion homepage.

Circled "Pin Dashboard" icon

The "Pin Dashboard" button

Once clicked, a pinned dashboard will appear with an orange pushpin icon. Only one dashboard can be pinned at a time.

"Demo Dashboard" pinned as the default dashboard.

A "pinned" Dashboard

Alternatively, clicking the homepage icon while viewing a dashboard will automatically pin a dashboard for you in addition to setting the dashboard as your homepage.

TRACtion "Set Homepage" button

The "Set Homepage" button

Deleting a Dashboard

To delete a dashboard, simply click the trash can icon. This will remove the dashboard from your view and remove access to anyone who you had shared the dashboard with.

Circled "Pin Dashboard" icon

The "Delete Dashboard" button

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