Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy was last updated on October 8, 2019.

In this policy, we refer to MoreSteam and its affiliates collectively as “MoreSteam”, “us” or “we”. We at MoreSteam understand you consider your privacy as being paramount. To respect your privacy and to meet legal requirements, MoreSteam commits to being transparent about the technologies we use and how those technologies may affect your privacy concerns. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, how and why cookies may be retained on your device, and how they are utilized when you use or visit a web page maintained by MoreSteam (each considered a “Site”). This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

By continuing browsing or using our Sites, you agree that we can store and access cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.

What are cookies?

A “cookie” is a small text file that can be stored on and accessed from your device when you visit a Site, to the extent you agree. This allows a Site to recognize your device from those of other users or visitors to the Site.

How do our Sites use cookies?

We use cookies to track the behavior of user traffic on our Sites. We also use cookies for registered users who access content and services via a site. For example, when a user accesses an eLearning course, we use a cookie to track user progress. To administer our Sites and for site management purposes, we use a limited number of service providers to track and analyze user traffic information. These third party service providers use cookies to help us understand and (hopefully) to improve your experience, manage our Site content, and analyze how users like you navigate and utilize the Site.

First and third-party cookies

“First party cookies” are cookies that MoreSteam Sites place on your device when you visit. “Third-party cookies” are cookies that another party places on your device through our Site. Third-parties that set cookies on a Site are known to/trusted by us and are providing a service to us. Currently, the only third party we use includes Google for the purposes of Google Analytics (website traffic insights and management). For more information on how these companies collect and use information on our behalf, please refer to their privacy policies.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

We use the following types of cookies:

Persistent Cookies. We use persistent cookies to improve your experience of using the Site. This includes recording your acceptance of our cookie policy to remove the cookie notification message that appears when you first use the Site. Similarly, cookies can store ordering information needed to make our shopping cart work instead of forcing the you to remember all the items you may have put in the shopping cart.

Session Cookies. These cookies are temporary and are commonly deleted from your device when you close your web browser. Session cookies are also used by the server to store information about user page activities so users can easily pick up where they left off on the server's pages.

We utilize cookies solely for the following purposes:

Type: Strictly necessary/Technical Purpose: We use this type of cookie to operate our Sites and afford you access to your account. Specifically, we use a cookie to let us recognize that you have created an account and have logged into that account to access Site content. The same cookie enables us to secure our Sites, e.g., by terminating a session after a set time period elapses.
Type: Analytical/Performance Purpose: We utilize this type of cookie to better understand how users come to and browse through our Site pages, and better construct the page so that they are more useful to visitors. For example, these cookies track what pages are most frequently visited, and from what locations our visitors come. If you subscribe to a newsletter or otherwise register with our websites, these cookies may be correlated to you. These cookies include, for example, Google Analytics cookies.

We will not keep the data we collect through the use of cookies or that may be placed on your device for longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes of serving you. We do not currently use any type of profiling, targeting, or advertising cookies on any of our Sites.

You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our Website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting to refuse cookies, our Sites will issue cookies when you direct your browser to them.

How do I refuse or withdraw my consent to the use of cookies?

If you do not want our Site(s) to place a cookie on your device, you will have to set your internet browser to reject cookies and/or to alert you when a cookie is placed on your device. For further information about how to do so, refer to your browser ‘help’ / ‘tool’ or ‘edit’ section or see browser setting information provided by either the browser provider or

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us here.